pokeninja java
pokeninja java

WearecurrentlylookingforonemoreJavaModdeveloperfor1.12.2toaddtoourteam.Jobwillmostlyconsistofaddingnewblocks,textures, ...,Forsomepeople,Pokémonarepets.Otherusethemforfights.EveryPokemonhaseither1or2types.Eachtypecanbesuper-effectiveagainstothert...

PokemonsrcpokemonengineBattle.java at master


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Hiring 1.12.2 Java Mod Developer

We are currently looking for one more Java Mod developer for 1.12.2 to add to our team. Job will mostly consist of adding new blocks, textures, ...


For some people, Pokémon are pets. Other use them for fights. Every Pokemon has either 1 or 2 types. Each type can be super-effective against other types, ...

Lab9srcmainjavaPokemon.java at master

Class that implements a Pokemon. * <p> * Let's play Pokemon! This is our Pokemon class. Each Pokemon has several member variables that * make it a Pokemon.

PokemonsrcpokemonengineBattle.java at master

A Java based application that will simulate Pokemon - Pokemon/src/pokemon/engine/Battle.java at master · Jmgiacone/Pokemon.

pokemon Java Games

Java Games service is provided by PHONEKY and it's 100% Free! Games can be downloaded by Nokia, Samsung, Sony and other Java OS mobile phones.

Simple Java Pokemon Fight Simulator

2011年10月29日 — Simple Java Pokemon Fight Simulator ... I have written a class to create and battle pokemon but I cannot figure out how to call the battle method ...


2020年6月13日 — Pixelmon adds many aspects of the Pokémon into Minecraft, including the Pokémon themselves, battling, trading, and breeding. Pixelmon also ...

I made a Pokemon In a Week in Java

2019年7月9日 — What you did is great work. But you are also reinventing the wheel a lot, which is fantastic for learning, but If you want to ship something ...


WearecurrentlylookingforonemoreJavaModdeveloperfor1.12.2toaddtoourteam.Jobwillmostlyconsistofaddingnewblocks,textures, ...,Forsomepeople,Pokémonarepets.Otherusethemforfights.EveryPokemonhaseither1or2types.Eachtypecanbesuper-effectiveagainstothertypes, ...,ClassthatimplementsaPokemon.*
